Creatively getting your message about your products and services into the hands of your clients. We expertly manage the process through which your clients' requests for products, literature, samples, marketing kits, and promotional materials are fulfilled.
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Setting up the 'Button'

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Setting up the button: Your shopping cart

Actually, some of our most important work goes unseen (and it costs you nothing!). We help you set up your button...your Submit Order button, that is.

Many websites have offers. Our work begins when a visitor to your site clicks to receive that offer, whether it's a freebie or a purchase. We can set up everything that comes after that click: the order form, the offers themselves. We can even process credit card transactions to your account. Since the orders come directly to our warehouse, we'll take care of that, too. [Note: we can also work with your own shopping carts, or, if you're a large company, we can take files right from your old legacy systems, too.

An Example

Let's say you have this ecologically responsible web site, You're on a mission to save trees and you're enlisting people to help by offering a free kit that shows them how to help save trees. It looks something like this:

Here's where we come in. When people click on the "HERE" hyperlink, they are automatically transported to our site where they can request a free kit. Of course, they think they're still on your site, which is cool, because we're all about seamless integration. We copy your theme when we set up your shopping cart or ordering center. We'll even show you how to set up your own shopping carts if you want that kind of control. You can have as many carts as you have projects or offerings.

Your shopping cart is actually linked directly to the materials you have in our warehouse. The screen that the kit-orderer sees has been created using the database of information that was set up for you (the products, offers, methods of shipping etc.).

Here's what your customer will see when they click HERE. They will then fill out the form with name and address information and click the Submit button.

When the Submit button is finally clicked, a lot more happens. If you decide, you can have email notification of every order at any stage in the process. So can your clients. The orders are received directly to our warehouse where our people take care of them quickly and accurately. You and your clients can be notified when the orders ship. Finally, you can get your own reports on line anytime you want.  

 [See the article on Control Centers for more information on the different screens and views available to you, to your team, and to your customers.]


Unless a capacity for thinking be accompanied by a capacity for action, a superior man exists in torture. - Benedetto Croce