Creatively getting your message about your products and services into the hands of your clients. We expertly manage the process through which your clients' requests for products, literature, samples, marketing kits, and promotional materials are fulfilled.
Who are You? Who are we? Services Contact us Demo Q & A

I am ...

...a Beginner

...a Webstore owner

...interested in eCommerce Importer

...a Marketing Manager

...a Sales Manager

...a Production Manager

...overloaded with requests

...interested in pricing

You're the "go to" person

And look where it's got you. Maybe you're the office manager in a growing company. You've done such a good job that you're continually rewarded with, well, more jobs. Somehow your department or group has been given the job to follow up on all requests that come in for sales, marketing, or compliance literature. Or maybe someone needs one of those manuals for the "You know...the H-220Z Digitron machine." And even though you know where it is, and you will get it out on time, you find that all of this is taking time away from what your department needs to be about. Your people--and you--are just not making the best use of your professional time when you're forced to handle these requests.

Enter fulfillment services

Did you know that there's help out there?

Fulfillment service companies offer you a solution. A good one will remove the hassle of dealing with requests, but leave you with the control (after all, handling requests is important even if it's not fun). You can even administer your whole request system through an internet "control center" designed just for you (free). You decide who can order what when. Your customers, internal and external, get to make requests on line, but instead of coming to your office, they go to the fulfillment services company where they are processed and shipped.

All you get are reports and control. Not bad, eh?

What's next?

  • You might want to take a look at our services page to see what's involved in using a fulfillment services company.
  • Or you may just want to chat about your current reality. You can call us at 516-326-6201. Ask for Vaughn.
  • You can email us, if you'd like, with any questions you may have. (You'll be helping future fellow browsers here because we'll try to incorporate all your questions right into this site.)
  • Don't forget our pricing. Think about how much it's costing you to do this yourself. (You can use our price calculator to figure out what it would cost you to outsource this work.) You'll need to justify this to anyone else who needs to be in on the decision. And compare it to other companies doing the same thing. Just make sure there are no hidden charges in the quotes you get. Our prices are all right here, out in the open.


It's not so much that we're afraid of change or so in love with the old ways, but it's that place in between that we fear... It's like being between trapezes. It's Linus when his blanket is in the dryer. There is nothing to hold onto. - Marilyn Ferguson